burger anyone? Had a DIY burger session at my place on saturday ... The patties turned out good actually ... 3/4 beef,1/4 pork with some beer, bread crumbs, olivi oil, black pepper and rose mary. For toppings we had bacon, cheese, mushrooms, mustard, tomatos, onions, pickles etc ... On the side there were prawns, chipolatas and salad... So all in all i thing everyone was fed rather well i must say so myself....
Was suppose to ride in the morning .. but just as i got on me bike an headed out the door the rain came ... so i had to pull out my trusty bike trainer an spent a good 40 mins on it before i got bored of it once again. Even while was watch anime. Come to realise that i need to be out cycling or running .. these trainer, treadmill shittzzz no work for me as i get lazy after awhile .. out doors you need to get your ars back home no matter what. So that was all i pretty much did over the weekend actually in terms of training. I know such a slack.
Sunday, was looking forward to a day out in the sun taking photos. Was asked to help take photos for the WBA event "My first Com" to help new ppl or ppl who are afraid of taking part in competitions get a feel of it. Was a very low key event. Nice and small event so we had a chance to mix around with the fellow wakeboarders old and new. It was a good time of catching up, the morning was going fine till about lunch time when mother nature said it was about time for morther earth to get a shower again. The rain did not stop till about 5pm by that time we have to cancel the rest of the com. So what did we do next? The next best thing that we could do was drink. We ended up drinking from about lunch time which was 1pm all the way till about 6pm .. playing games like "big fish ... small fish" " no.7" have to say been awhile since we had this much of laughter and fun. Kind of brought back the good ole days. The link to my photos are here if any of you want to have a look. http://www.davidngiam.com/albums/0708-myfirstcomp-julian
Had KY's thanksyou bbq dinner that night as well... As from the pic above you can see ah soon having a go at the choco fondue. It was a good night catching up with peeps whom i have not in over a month... All in all i can say it was a wonderful day. Was suppose to play DOW with the guys but the bed was calling me so while waiting for all of them to come online .. the Z monster was winning the battle ... snore .... snore ..snore ...
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