woopppiiiiieeeee the last day of 07.... Come to think of it don't really feel anything, i mean tomorrow is going to be tuesday then wednesday then thursday just another week in our life... Was telling someone yesterday new's eve just an excuse for ppl to get drunk and party. After 32 yrs of living not that i getting sick of it.. come to think of it i'm actually enjoying my life but so wasup with 1 more yr. A yr older we get, it's just all numbers on how we keep track of time to make things simpler for us to keep track off. I'm mean i sure if 60s to 60 mins to 24 hrs to 7 days to 1 week to 1 month to 1 yr we would be lost in some sense. So it's the new yr, i might actually be slp by the time the count down starts so i can wake up fresh for tomorrows cycle and run. Well some of you would say i'm insane but we are a bunch of insane ppl. Ppl who cannot go with out some form of exercise for 2 days in a row. So how was this yr for me. We have our ups and downs, so i say i had more ups then downs this yr. All in all a good yr, lots of new friends made as well. Did my first half iron man, half marathon. Next yr will be a yr of full distance stuff. Can't wait......
Not going to say what goals i have set myself for the next yr to come, all i can hope for is that god would give me an eventful one both good and bad, cause with out experiences then what is life for am i right.... s everyone likes to say lets see what the new yr brings to us. It can only get better!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
wet & cold!
Man when the alarm rang at like 530 in the morning i swear i did not want to get out of bed, but to miss this ride would be a waste since so many ppl were going for it. About 18 of us in total if i counted correctly. In total we did about 70ish km today. Well i need to start building milage so this was a good start. We cycled from F2 carpark all the way to the west round about where the spc station was have no idea what you call that place. Along the way the group did 3 loops of faber hum i pass as i did not want to place any stress on my itb as i just started cycling again.
After we hit the turn around point man you should have at look at the sky i was so dark it reminded me of the rain this yr during the open water swim. The wind was blowing like mad, not to say it was bloody cold. This is the first time i'm saying the weather is cold in sg. I think during some parts my bike was tilted at an angle, that's how strong the wind was blowing. We decided to seek shelter at the west coast Mac as it would have been to dangerous to continue cycling in this sort of weather. After having breakfast which was suppose to be B.K tea but instead we had mac's sigh. I think most of us wanted to have the B.K tea that's what made us wake up for this morning's ride.......
Anyway, the rain kinda of soften itself up so we were on our way again, can i say the first 2km of the ride was abloody torture. Cold and was shivering not to say the trucks that were zooming pass us, it was an experience none the less. Well we slowly made our way back to F2 carpark. It was a good ride, i like cycling in the rain with out the traffic.
Andrew called me at like 1ish asking what time i was rdy to go over to jb, told me he'll be at my place in about an hr. So in the mean time i took a cat nap, one which i did not want to wake up from. The morning ride took out more then i thought it would have. O well i was not driving today so it was okie. Today was kelong sea food, which i say was nice and good only thing bad about it was the mozzie that were biting us. I got like 3 bits at the same spot bah i blame it on my blood type B+ which mozzie's seem to like to drink more of it.
Anyway, i must say training is going pretty good. Took my 800m interval timing yesterday i actually do about 3.30 a lap. Good but yes i still need to train harder. Tomorrow should be a rest day for me but i might just do something like swim or something. who know shrug......
After we hit the turn around point man you should have at look at the sky i was so dark it reminded me of the rain this yr during the open water swim. The wind was blowing like mad, not to say it was bloody cold. This is the first time i'm saying the weather is cold in sg. I think during some parts my bike was tilted at an angle, that's how strong the wind was blowing. We decided to seek shelter at the west coast Mac as it would have been to dangerous to continue cycling in this sort of weather. After having breakfast which was suppose to be B.K tea but instead we had mac's sigh. I think most of us wanted to have the B.K tea that's what made us wake up for this morning's ride.......
Anyway, the rain kinda of soften itself up so we were on our way again, can i say the first 2km of the ride was abloody torture. Cold and was shivering not to say the trucks that were zooming pass us, it was an experience none the less. Well we slowly made our way back to F2 carpark. It was a good ride, i like cycling in the rain with out the traffic.
Andrew called me at like 1ish asking what time i was rdy to go over to jb, told me he'll be at my place in about an hr. So in the mean time i took a cat nap, one which i did not want to wake up from. The morning ride took out more then i thought it would have. O well i was not driving today so it was okie. Today was kelong sea food, which i say was nice and good only thing bad about it was the mozzie that were biting us. I got like 3 bits at the same spot bah i blame it on my blood type B+ which mozzie's seem to like to drink more of it.
Anyway, i must say training is going pretty good. Took my 800m interval timing yesterday i actually do about 3.30 a lap. Good but yes i still need to train harder. Tomorrow should be a rest day for me but i might just do something like swim or something. who know shrug......
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I think this is one of the most enjoyable ENR sessions i ever had. Not only did i not get dropped in the cycle but the run after the bike session was good as well. Hit a high of about 46km/h today not to bad if you ask me, but then again i'm getting my new bike soon an as reves says anything below 40km/h for a pina would be an insult to the bike. I have to agree with him but right now keeping a 40km/h avge is pretty dam hard to do but i'll be working hard on it. Plus ah hock was saying you want to get the cycle worx Jersey sure kana attack one. So we did 2 loops of costal must say the head wind tonight was pretty strong but i still manage to keep up with the front pack unlike last week i got dropped like almost right away. After the bike went for a short run, was suppose to run around the food center and back to the carpark which would have made it 3km but decided to follow the rest an do a 5km run... but but noooo ... ended up doing 7km run instead. Boy did it feel good. Was maintaining about 5.40 pace after a hard bike as well. Never felt so good, i guess all the training is paying off. But none the less i still have to train harder.
On the other note, went down to cycl worx today, the new prince are in man totally fall in love with them. Now i'm so wanting to buy one hahahaha. Okie am tried going to zzzzz ... peace out world! :) An to all reading this , Have a merry merry Christmas and a happy new yr if i don't up date this as i'm kinda pack for the next week. An may god bless all of you!
On the other note, went down to cycl worx today, the new prince are in man totally fall in love with them. Now i'm so wanting to buy one hahahaha. Okie am tried going to zzzzz ... peace out world! :) An to all reading this , Have a merry merry Christmas and a happy new yr if i don't up date this as i'm kinda pack for the next week. An may god bless all of you!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Rain rain rain!
Once again the rain has kinda spoiled my sunday training plans, well not the first time this yr if you ask me. But all was well as i did about a 14 km run in the afternoon. So all in all i say the day was not lost.
Went to the durian to watch mama and chinaman perform they new album that will be coming out at the end of jan. Not bad i say, but then again if it's a local talent i'm always supporting. Singapore has to start from somewhere so yup anything an everything that we can produce locally will get my support.
Anyway can't wait to swim today, yes yes looking to be tortured in the pool as always but i always fee so dam good after that. Going to spend some time with me brother and sis this afternoon, we going crayfish fishing woot... hahaha just for fun la .. anyway we back to doing our present for the whole family , which is jigsaw puzzle 1000 pieces , it's a painting done by i think Michelangelo ... we did one of the last supper last yr. So this has become a yearly affair for the 3 siblings.
Was just thinking when i went to the super market this morning it's been a month an i have laid off my chocolates .. man do i sound like a gal or what ... lol ... well it's good so i stop getting fat. sometimes i wonder me not eating supper watching what i eat is it all worth it ... i mean i really am cutting down on what kind of food i eat... for me the person who loves to eat food. sigh .... o well Christmas is coming so eating it shall be but yes in moderation. This week is going to be crazy all the way till the 26th lol ... party party party , eating eating eating, okie i'll try to get everything on pics .. but you'll have to go to my facebook to see it, to lazy to dl it to 2 sights .. takes to long! Peace out peeps ...
Went to the durian to watch mama and chinaman perform they new album that will be coming out at the end of jan. Not bad i say, but then again if it's a local talent i'm always supporting. Singapore has to start from somewhere so yup anything an everything that we can produce locally will get my support.
Anyway can't wait to swim today, yes yes looking to be tortured in the pool as always but i always fee so dam good after that. Going to spend some time with me brother and sis this afternoon, we going crayfish fishing woot... hahaha just for fun la .. anyway we back to doing our present for the whole family , which is jigsaw puzzle 1000 pieces , it's a painting done by i think Michelangelo ... we did one of the last supper last yr. So this has become a yearly affair for the 3 siblings.
Was just thinking when i went to the super market this morning it's been a month an i have laid off my chocolates .. man do i sound like a gal or what ... lol ... well it's good so i stop getting fat. sometimes i wonder me not eating supper watching what i eat is it all worth it ... i mean i really am cutting down on what kind of food i eat... for me the person who loves to eat food. sigh .... o well Christmas is coming so eating it shall be but yes in moderation. This week is going to be crazy all the way till the 26th lol ... party party party , eating eating eating, okie i'll try to get everything on pics .. but you'll have to go to my facebook to see it, to lazy to dl it to 2 sights .. takes to long! Peace out peeps ...
Monday, December 10, 2007
Where to start?
So the weekend went by rather fast i must say. Saturday was just a plain ass lazy day. Since i slept like at 3am in the morning after coming back from my aunty's place. I had to pick up my cousin from the airport. He and his wife are back for good but he did not tell anyone but me as he need me to pick him up from the airport! All this was planned about a month back. So brought him home where first thing we did was to climb over the gate, Went to the back of the house to the maids room but they where not there. My grandpa sleeps on the ground floor an his window was not lock so we thought we will climb in from there an surprise my uncle and auntie up stairs. But we decided to try the front door which was not locked to our surprise, during this time we were wondering if the alarm was on, an my cousin being away for the last 2 and half yrs forgot the combi to it well it was off. So we just walking in the front door woke the maids up told them to keep quiet and my cousin went up stairs to give his parents a nice surprise. So now you know if you need something done in secret look for me! hehehehe ....
Okie so as i was saying saturday was a lazy day, woke up looked through the papers had lunch only to fall aslp, had intend to go for a run or a cycle actually but was just to plain lazy. Mum was cooking penang laksa that night so a few of me relatives were coming over and some of my friends. Of cause mum did not know that my cousin was back as well. I told her i had 2 very special friends come over to visit her, she was wondering who the hell could it be. hehehehe .. very sneak i say i am. So my cousin appeared an gave my mum a nice surprise as well. Nat(jie), andrew, stone and jx came over for laksa as well. Our stash of dvd had arrive from JB so it was going to be dvd night, only to know that my parents where going to be kara-ok-ing sigh. So we had to go to nat's place to watch the dvd, ended up watching 30 nights .... MAN WAS IT BAD... don't watch for those of you who plan to watch it.
Sunday went by rather fast as well, just church and had a doggie day at pawtobello.
Okie monday, well this the winter season.. man will it stop raining already, been raining everyday since last monday with out fail. Mum was like it's raining you still going for swim training i was like yar no lighting what. We did like 100 x 15 today. Did not think i could do it but i did. i keep an avg time of about 1 min 42 sec per set. The first 5 sets we took about 40 mins rest in between, the next 5 it was count down to 30 the last 5 was count down to 20. Man did i suffer but all in all it was good. I tried out my new jammers today, Dion help me get the long ones. Man must i say it was nice hehehehe... kept me warmer as well consider the water was cold.
All in all it was a good day of training! now i'm tried an my bed is so calling me ZzZzZzzzzzzz
Okie so as i was saying saturday was a lazy day, woke up looked through the papers had lunch only to fall aslp, had intend to go for a run or a cycle actually but was just to plain lazy. Mum was cooking penang laksa that night so a few of me relatives were coming over and some of my friends. Of cause mum did not know that my cousin was back as well. I told her i had 2 very special friends come over to visit her, she was wondering who the hell could it be. hehehehe .. very sneak i say i am. So my cousin appeared an gave my mum a nice surprise as well. Nat(jie), andrew, stone and jx came over for laksa as well. Our stash of dvd had arrive from JB so it was going to be dvd night, only to know that my parents where going to be kara-ok-ing sigh. So we had to go to nat's place to watch the dvd, ended up watching 30 nights .... MAN WAS IT BAD... don't watch for those of you who plan to watch it.
Sunday went by rather fast as well, just church and had a doggie day at pawtobello.
Okie monday, well this the winter season.. man will it stop raining already, been raining everyday since last monday with out fail. Mum was like it's raining you still going for swim training i was like yar no lighting what. We did like 100 x 15 today. Did not think i could do it but i did. i keep an avg time of about 1 min 42 sec per set. The first 5 sets we took about 40 mins rest in between, the next 5 it was count down to 30 the last 5 was count down to 20. Man did i suffer but all in all it was good. I tried out my new jammers today, Dion help me get the long ones. Man must i say it was nice hehehehe... kept me warmer as well consider the water was cold.
All in all it was a good day of training! now i'm tried an my bed is so calling me ZzZzZzzzzzzz
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Weird Ars ppl at swimming pools!!!!!
Man WASUP with all the werid ASS ppl at swimming pools! I swear do gay guys have nothing else better to do then sit in the fugging toilet looking at ppl shower. (sorry the language) BUT BUT BUT!!! As i was telling f-net that day, no idea why ah hock calls her that, but then again ah hock has like a nick name for everyone and anyone. Anyway, so i went for my swim right, enter the loo only to see this guy sitting on the bench facing the shower looking at some guy showering. Man. So i went for my swim which is not much 1500m plus warm down all in all about 2km. I go back to the loo what ya know, same ars fugging dude sitting there still looking at ppl shower. Is there no way to get peeps like this out of the loo. I mean WTF is so nice about sitting in the public loo looking at guys. I have to ask the gals if the lesbo gals sit in the loo looking at them as well. MAN.........
Well the past 2 days have been pretty busy. Let see woke up at 7 yesterday to go to the market with mummy to get stuff for the house plus mum is cooking penang laksa this saturday yum yum!!! Got back home, went to fetch my grand pa from east coast to west coast talk about going from one end to the other end, came home rest abit had lunch then send my bro and sis down to JH's house to help for the party at night, went to pick my grand pa up an send him back to my aunty's place came home took 40 winks. Woke up went for about a 7k run by this time i was late for the party, but you know the feeling of not having done anything for days. The run was good guess i more or less recovered from the SCSM 21km on sunday. Showered went to JH house, had to pick up ice on the way.
It was good to have the whole of people under one roof again. Friends back from overseas all sharing in fellowship together over dinner. Mummy and daddy went as well. Happy to see mum out an about again after her 1 yr battle with leukemia. yawnz.. to take a nap now or what... feeling hungry as well. Really been trying to cut down on the things i eat as well. An yes i have not had a waffle this week yet! 2 more days to go i don't think i would hehehehe.. O an andrew is bring me my milk fav tomorrow when he comes over YES! been craving for it for awhile now. BBQ tonight and i got to go to the airport to pick up apair of VIP. Can't be mention yet as i'm the only one who knows that they are coming to Sg.
Well the past 2 days have been pretty busy. Let see woke up at 7 yesterday to go to the market with mummy to get stuff for the house plus mum is cooking penang laksa this saturday yum yum!!! Got back home, went to fetch my grand pa from east coast to west coast talk about going from one end to the other end, came home rest abit had lunch then send my bro and sis down to JH's house to help for the party at night, went to pick my grand pa up an send him back to my aunty's place came home took 40 winks. Woke up went for about a 7k run by this time i was late for the party, but you know the feeling of not having done anything for days. The run was good guess i more or less recovered from the SCSM 21km on sunday. Showered went to JH house, had to pick up ice on the way.
It was good to have the whole of people under one roof again. Friends back from overseas all sharing in fellowship together over dinner. Mummy and daddy went as well. Happy to see mum out an about again after her 1 yr battle with leukemia. yawnz.. to take a nap now or what... feeling hungry as well. Really been trying to cut down on the things i eat as well. An yes i have not had a waffle this week yet! 2 more days to go i don't think i would hehehehe.. O an andrew is bring me my milk fav tomorrow when he comes over YES! been craving for it for awhile now. BBQ tonight and i got to go to the airport to pick up apair of VIP. Can't be mention yet as i'm the only one who knows that they are coming to Sg.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Christmas bells are ringing!

Woot woot! what a day! okie i officially broke! FT1 is sitting at cycle worx for now. Took kenneth aka ah hock about half an hr to fit me to the bike, asking me questions here and there. We both came to a conclusion that along the way the bike would be tweaked to my liking. But all in all i LOVE MY NEW RIDE! Now i just need to get meself a set of wheels!
The elf's came over today to help us put up the Christmas deco around the house. Must i say it was fun, having friends and family putting up stuff. So now our house is all nicely done up. I'll put up the pics another time. It's in my other cam. Stone, nat, JX and adam came over for dinner as well. We had shepherds pie, chicken curry, fish curry, prata and stuff. It's like 1 big happy family. Fun fun fun. Putting up the trees and the stuff. The stars on the celling and the angels. Took about 3 hrs to get it all done. I must say we did a good job! Okie tired... i'll try to go for a short run tomorrow in the morning see if me legs are okie. Cycling back from cycle worx just now i still felt abit fatigue!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
End of the year!
Well all i can say is woot! The race yr has come to an end well for me that is. All in all i've to say not bad for my first race yr. Nus bi, Trifam sprint, Osim tri( but did not do it, washing up would have taken longer then the race itself, 70.3 and SCSM 21km. All i hope is i can keep on going and doing all of this. Really feels good. Meet great ppl which i say all the time. Make really good friends along the way. Well i'm not much for one to stay still. Or my attention span is rather short as my friend would put it, but then again i've always done tri so don't see how i would be stopping. Just have not been doing it for yrs till now!
Well, back to yesterday. Did the 21km in 2hrs 5mins. Personal best for now. Once again i say for now. I sure going under 2hrs is not a problem now. Funny how we always think it is not possible. I was gunning for 2hrs 15mins but i shaved off 10 mins of the run. Amazing i say. But one mistake was i started to far back. I always seem to do that no idea why, maybe i don't have the confidence in me as of yet to start in the front. I should change that from now on. Then i would not have to side step so many people during the run. But then i thank the people who were in front of me, allowed me to play catch up. I guess that's how i manage to run faster as well. I guess i always like to start from behind an make my way up passing ppl. Rather be the type that starts in front an stays in front. Well i guess if i more confident i can just start from the front.
So during the run, i just looked out for a target that was in front of me an told myself i have to over take him/her. I want to look for the 2hr 15min pacer group at the start of the race but could not find them. I caught up with them somewhere around the 14k mark. Over took them, an knew that maybe i could do a faster time. So i decided to push myself abit hard. Keep my head up looking for Lloyd. Since he is the 2hr pacer, but culd not find him. I say ken though but he's in the 1hr 45min group plus he was on the otherside of nicole HW no way in hell am i going to catch up with him. I slowed down at the nicole HW part as the sun was beating down at that time and there was no water station in sight. Once we got back in to raffles bvld it was all okie. Once i turned down the corner out of marine square i picked up the pace, after cricket club i was trying to sprint my way to the finish line but there were just way to many ppl. But all in all i say good race and i'm not complaining! :) only thing is my legs are screaming now hahahaha but worth it! Okie part 2 in abit which is my trip to JB!
Well, back to yesterday. Did the 21km in 2hrs 5mins. Personal best for now. Once again i say for now. I sure going under 2hrs is not a problem now. Funny how we always think it is not possible. I was gunning for 2hrs 15mins but i shaved off 10 mins of the run. Amazing i say. But one mistake was i started to far back. I always seem to do that no idea why, maybe i don't have the confidence in me as of yet to start in the front. I should change that from now on. Then i would not have to side step so many people during the run. But then i thank the people who were in front of me, allowed me to play catch up. I guess that's how i manage to run faster as well. I guess i always like to start from behind an make my way up passing ppl. Rather be the type that starts in front an stays in front. Well i guess if i more confident i can just start from the front.
So during the run, i just looked out for a target that was in front of me an told myself i have to over take him/her. I want to look for the 2hr 15min pacer group at the start of the race but could not find them. I caught up with them somewhere around the 14k mark. Over took them, an knew that maybe i could do a faster time. So i decided to push myself abit hard. Keep my head up looking for Lloyd. Since he is the 2hr pacer, but culd not find him. I say ken though but he's in the 1hr 45min group plus he was on the otherside of nicole HW no way in hell am i going to catch up with him. I slowed down at the nicole HW part as the sun was beating down at that time and there was no water station in sight. Once we got back in to raffles bvld it was all okie. Once i turned down the corner out of marine square i picked up the pace, after cricket club i was trying to sprint my way to the finish line but there were just way to many ppl. But all in all i say good race and i'm not complaining! :) only thing is my legs are screaming now hahahaha but worth it! Okie part 2 in abit which is my trip to JB!
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