Monday, July 23, 2007

23ard of July 07

Monday, somehow i always look forward to being tortured by mr coconut at the pool. Was suppose to do 10x300 sets, but ended up doing 6x300 and 3x200 followed by 2x100. Dion decided that we should put some kicking workout in as well. After, which my legs felt like lead. Daryl was going OSIM is like 5 days away need to start tapering down. I told him it's going to be like training for 70.3 which is a month and ahalf away, so why borther.

Went to passion today to finally get my carbon cages for me bike. Had enough of the wannbe chrom plating cages that i have on my bike now which makes it look totally uncool. Carbon ones make it look totall more happening. Was talking to Dan as well about aero bars for my bike as i think it would be better when i use them for 70.3. He was explaining that it had to be really short so that i do not compromise the geometry of my body position when cycling since i was using a roadbike. Cyclewerk's does sell their custom make ones for about 150 bucks. Not so bad if you ask me.

I still don't understand why OSIM has to start so late. 11.20am is when my wave kicks off, by the time i get to the running part it would be 1pm in the afternoon, not to say it's going to be bloody hottt!!!! But then again on the good side at least i'll have time to recover from Ash's and Schwing's birthday party. Not a good combo i say velvet on friday and party on saturday. Totally forgot when i signed up that it is like smack in the middle of both their birthdays.

Well, hopefully it does not rain tomorrow night so ENR will be on, i really need to clock in some cycling time not to say milage as well.

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