Thursday, August 27, 2009

Slowly getting back!

So i've been down with the flu for the last 3 days. So thats kinda put a dent in to my training program. Only just week i was telling some peeps that i was getting the feeling of running back. The kind of feeling that i have been missing for awhile. I'll give myself 1 more day of rest. Then i go for a easy bike ride this saturday, easy as in i not going to push myself, i just going to take it nice and slow and easy. Just to warm up the system again.

Other then that, all i been doing is sleeping, i guess thats the only time when anyone gets to sleep and sleep an not feel guilty about spending to much time sleeping. Well, there always is a reason why we fall sick, not enough sleep, or not doing or taking in of something that is needed in our bodies. I fallen sick more this year then i can count in the pass few years. Which makes me thing on why i getting sick now compared to why i was not getting sick at all last time. Maybe it's life style. I was very disciplined last year, hardly drink, no late night out, resting well after training, sleeping early. I think thats the most important part. I use to go to bed by 11pm every day last year mostly. I seriously think a good nights sleep does wonders. No adays i sleep late. 12 or pass 12.

Well, i'm feeling 90% better now so hopefully, i stop falling sick again anytime soon. Hope all is well with you guys out there. Remember, live each day like your last, cause you never know what is going to happen tomorrow.

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